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Zantac Lawsuit Review

A Zantac Lawsuit is a legal action for monetary compensation for plaintiffs who were diagnosed with mesothelioma and took the popular heartburn drug, Zantac. Zantac (as well as the generic variant ranitidine) was found to contain the highly toxic carcinogen, asbestos. The asbestos in Zantac can cause a wide range of serious health problems ranging from lung disease and mesothelioma to pleural plagues and cancer of the chest and abdomen. Recently, the European Court of Justice has found that the manufacturers of Zantac have known that asbestosis, cancer and mesothelioma can be caused by the asbestos in Zantac since the late 1970s. Thus, to read more info, visit:

Many people are filing personal injury lawsuits against Zantac and other such brands on the basis that they are dangerous to our health. It is important to point out that all Class Action personal injury lawyers will fight for the right of individuals to file lawsuits in order to obtain justice. This is possible only if the manufacturers of Zantac are willing to enter into negotiations with their consumers and with the FDA. If this happens, many of the lawsuits that are being filed today will be resolved outside of the court system. However, if Zantac refrains from accepting responsibility for the claims brought forth by individual patients and if it continues to produce asbestos-related drugs, the company may ultimately be found liable for personal injuries caused by its products.

There is no doubt that Zantac Lawsuits are legitimate as they are related to the ill effects caused by prescription drug use. The sad fact is that these drugs have been associated with a number of serious health problems including heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and even an increased risk of death by asphyxiation. Class action lawsuits allow victims of these ailments the right to pursue legal action against the manufacturer of the drug that caused them such ailments. This type of lawsuit has the potential to bring large settlements to individual plaintiffs while saving big pharmaceutical companies from massive financial ruin. If a drug manufacturer does not acknowledge liability for the injuries sustained by a series of Class Action plaintiffs then they may be found financially liable and forced to pay medical expenses and attorney's fees. Therefore, to get these services at an affordable rate, click here now.

In recent years, drug manufacturers have come under fire for introducing and then failing to successfully market drugs that were known to cause immediate deaths. A major example of this is the fatal flaw connected to the drug Dioxin. This substance was intended to be used in cosmetics, but was instead dangerous for human consumption. Another example is that of the 'FDA warnings' that were issued on the drug Suboxone. Despite these warnings, Suboxone was nevertheless introduced in the marketplace and has resulted in thousands of wrongful deaths and illness's due to its side effects.

As one of the leading Class Action Lawsuits that has been successful in the past, Zantac Lawsuit is one of the best remedies that a Class Action Lawyer can offer to those who suffered injuries due to the negligence of drug manufacturers. The results of this lawsuit have proven to be quite significant as this lawsuit was able to force major drug manufacturers to issue refunds and provide compensation to Class Action Plaintiffs. It is believed that the Food and Drug Administration may be liable for the deaths of many individuals as well. The FDA did issue a warning about the dangers of taking counterfeit Suboxone but failed to take any legal action. As a result, it was found that drug manufacturers had deceptively misstated the risks associated with their drugs and concealed evidence that would have exposed them. Discover more baout a legal case here:

When selecting a litigation Law Firm, make sure that you choose one that focuses on Personal Injury Litigation solely. These types of lawsuits are often referred to as mass tort cases and are oftentimes the source of large settlements. If you have been injured due to the negligence of a third-party corporation, Zantac Lawsuit may be able to help you.

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